access to technology 122 labs clinics.


In order to increase access to the latest discoveries in the fields of rehabilitation, geriatrics and gerontology, we decided to create a free franchise concept for rehabilitation specialists and physiotherapists around the world. From a business point of view, this is a phenomenon on a global scale. Zero initial fees, zero monthly fees, zero commission on turnover. Our entire experience, all our knowledge, all our technologies are transferred to rehabilitation specialists and physiotherapists for free.

The first locations of 122 Labs Clinics™ will be opened in September 2025 in Berlin, Germany and in Warsaw, Poland. The next clinics will be opened in London, UK and Miami, USA in 2026. In the following year – 2027, we are planning to open 45 clinics in 30 countries around the world.

Join us now!

If you are a physiotherapist or a rehabilitation specialist, write to us and we will help you open your own clinic. We will provide you will all the know-how and technologies, as well as with significant funding.

Write to us at:


Join the global OFFICIAL REHABILITATION CIRCLE CENTER program now and acquire new patients who until now had no appropriate rehabilitation options in centers and nursing homes in your area. This is a group of around 695 million, which is growing at an unprecedented pace. Currently, 9% of people in the world (695 million) are 65 or older. According to the report „An Aging World: 2015” this group is expected to grow to 17% of the world’s population by 2050 (around 1.8 billion people taking into account the estimated population increase). 695 million people is a huge community of people who have to use the latest technologies and forms of rehabilitation to maintain good physical and mental shape.


Did you know that by joining the OFFICIAL REHABILITATION CIRCLE CENTER program, you can significantly increase the number of patients in your rehabilitation center?

Did you know that a large community of seniors who do not have access to proper rehabilitation devices lives in the area of your rehabilitation center?

Did you know that joining the free OFFICIAL REHABILITATION CIRCLE CENTER program and purchasing a Rehabilitation Circle device leads to returns in 9 months on average?

Do not wait and do not waste your center’s potential. With the status of OFFICIAL REHABILITATION CIRCLE CENTER you would have the chance to reach a significant group of patients.

In order join the program,


1) Purchase one REHABILITATION CIRCLE device.

In the order form, specify the size of the OFFICIAL REHABILITATION CIRCLE CENTER stainless steel sign that you would like to receive from us.

3) After receiving the device and the board, mount it in a visible place before the building’s entrance.

Once you join the program, you will receive a monthly newsletter from us about our new training systems. In addition, based on information from device owners around the world, you will receive sales and marketing information that will help you to significantly increase your number of patients.


– increase in life expectancy from 68.6 years in 2015 to 76.2 years in 2050,

– growth of the +65 age group in the US, from today’s 48 million to 88 million in 2050,

– increase in the global population of the oldest people aged +80, from 126.5 million in 2015 to 446.6 million in 2050,

– a fourfold increase in the population of the oldest people aged +80, in some regions of Asia and Latin America, by 2050.

* according to the report „An Aging World: 2015”


Upon joining the program, you will receive a free, beautiful stainless steel sign informing that your clinic is an OFFICIAL REHABILITATION CIRCLE CENTER.

You can choose from signs which are 50cm, 75cm, and 100cm wide. Select the right size for your club and we will send it at no extra cost.